再來一首野人花園 ( Savage Garden ) 的歌囉 ~~~
1999 年發行的認定 ( Affirmation ) 專輯裡的一首好聽的歌 ::
兩張床和咖啡機 ( 兩張床和咖啡機 )

歌曲中唱出婚姻 / 兩性關係中讓人想大嘆一口氣的感覺 ~~~

and she takes another step 她踏出蹣跚的下一步
slowly she opens the door 慢慢的轉開門
check that he is sleeping 確定他在熟睡
pick up all the broken glass 收拾地板上的碎玻璃

and furniture on the floor 扶起翻倒的家具
been up half the night screaming 經過整夜的尖叫
now it's time to get away 是該離開的時候了
pack up the kids in the car 她載著小孩開車揚長而去

another bruise to try and hide 又一次的療傷
another alibi to write 又一次打離婚官司

another ditch in the road 即使沿路顛頗
you keep moving 你還是要前進
another stop sign 即使紅燈
you keep moving on 你還是要闖

and the years go by so fast 那些年過得飛快
wonder how i ever made it through 真不知道我是怎麼撐過來的

and there are children to think of 想著自己的小孩
baby's asleep in the back seat 那睡在後座的小寶貝們
wonder how they'll ever make it 她不知道他們該如何
through this living nightmare 度過這惡夢般的生活
but the mind is an amazing thing 但小孩的心靈是個神奇的東西
full of candy dreams and new toys 只充滿甜蜜美夢與新玩具

and another cheap hotel 又住進廉價的旅館
two beds and a coffee machine 只有兩張床和一台咖啡機
but there are groceries to buy 有太多東西要買
and she knows she'll have to go home 她知道她最後還是得回家

another ditch in the road 即使沿路顛頗
you keep moving 你還是要前進
another stop sign 即使紅燈
you keep moving on 你還是要闖
and the years go by so fast 那些年過得飛快
wonder how i ever made it through 真不知道我是怎麼撐過來的

another bruise to try and hide 又一次療傷
another alibi to write 又一次打離婚官司
another lonely highway in the black of night 又一個馳騁公路上的寂寞夜晚
there's hope in the darkness 黑暗中你仍不放棄希望
i know you're gonna make it 我知道你終會實現它

another ditch in the road 即使沿路顛頗
you keep moving 你還是要前進
another stop sign 即使紅燈
you keep moving on 你還是要闖

and the years go by so fast 那些年過得飛快
wonder how i ever made it through 真不知道我是怎麼撐過來的

我想,咖啡機 / 咖啡在這首歌裡所代表的,
是一段溫熱 ,一個短暫的溫熱,
一個短暫離開難題的溫熱時刻 ~~~

尤其在婚姻之中有小孩的情況更是複雜了許多 ~~~
不過這首歌的問世,就代表有人懂得你的心唷 ~~~

♪♪♪熱呼呼拿鐵 ( Latte ) 獻給正處在這樣情境中的男人女人 ♪♪♪

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